Rabu, 03 November 2010


1. Write 5 research problems base on the journals.
Journal one :
“The Effect of Topic Familiarity and Passage Sight Vocabulary on L2 Lexical Inferencing and Retention through Reading”.

Journal two :
“Facilitator Talk in EAP Reading Classes”.

Journal three :
“Language Learning Strategies and EAP Proficency: Teacher views, student views, and test results”.

Journal four :
“Learning Difficulty and Learner Identity: a symbotic relationship”.

Journal five :
“Introducing English To Bilingual Young Learners: Does The Critical Period Play A Role?...”.

2. Write the research questions for each research problem.
Journal one :
1. Which of the following factors have a significant impact on L2 lexical inferencing when reading brief narratives: (a) topic familiarity, (b) passage sight vocabulary?...
2. Which of the following factors have a significant impact on difficulty in lexical inferencing when reading brief narratives: (a) topic familiarity, (b) passage sight vocabulary?...
3. Which of the following factors have a significant impact on L2 lexical retention from reading brief narratives, after an inference, verification task to confirm or correct original guesses: (a) topic familiarity, (b) passage sight vocabulary?...

Journal two :
1. How to elaborate the role of teacher in facilitator talk in EAP reading classes?...
2. What is Clifton’s definition of facilitator talk in EAP reading classes?...
3. How facilitator talk also contributes to the success of collaborative tasks in EAP reading classes?...

Journal three :
1. What language learning strategies do City University EAP students use?...
2. Does strategy use differ by discipline?...
3. What strategies are associated with higher or lower levels of proficiency?...
4. What strategies do EAP teachers believe to be the most useful for EAP?...
5. What strategies do EAP students believe to be the most useful for EAP?...

Journal four :
1. How to finding of this investigation?...
2. How to focus on the construction of Junior’s identity?...
3. How to relate between learner identity and learner difficulty?...
4. How to contribute learner identity and learner identity?...

Journal five :
1. What is the language design?...
2. What is teachers introduced to learners with skill of translation from English to bahasa Indonesia?...
3. How maturation affects language acquisition, especially the obtaining of part of English aspects by bilingual children in a state kindergarten in Surakarta?...

3. Write the research purpose clearly for each problem.
Journal one :
To examines the impact of topic familiarity and passage sight vocabulary on lexical inferencing and retention.

Journal two :
This paper aims to further the work on facilitator talk begun by Clifton (2006) and Walsh (2002). It looks particularly at the role of facilitator in teaching reading and shows how teachers can enhance students’ dialogue with text by using un obtrusive task management, re-directing students’ attention to the text, increasing prospectiveness (Hammond and Gibbons 2005), and giving sensitive feedback.

Journal three :
One aim of this study has been to try to answer the general question ‘What are the most useful strategies for EAP students?’

Journal four :
The result of this study are promising and offer teachers a more empowering and optimistic way of dealing with students who present difficulty learning English.

Journal five :
The result seem to support some psycholinguistics who claimed that children who start the learning of a language within their critical period will get better results than who start after the elasticity of the brain for language learning has declined.

4. Write the research design used by the researchers to study the research problems.
Journal one : The experimental method
Journal two : Ethnography
Journal three : Survey Research
Journal four : Case Study Approaches
Journal five : Action Research

5. Select one research problem that you like most. Rewrite the procedures clearly, write a brief elaboration for each procedure.
A repeated measure desing was used. All participants read passages from each condition (i.e. one more and one less familiar passage). During session one, in small group, all participants completed the L2 passage sight vocabulary test, followed by topic familiarity questionnaire. Session two was conducted approximately one week later in a laboratory, on an individual basis. After the training phase, each participant read the first story and completed the accompanying lexical inferencing and difficulty rating tasks before continuing to the next story. Order of presentation of the passages was counterbalanced. After reading both stories, all participants completed the same self-paced online target words verification task to promote elaborative processing of the target words in an error-free manner by allowing participants to confirm or correct the guesses and in so doing make connections between the new word form, its meaning, and the context in which it had appeared in the story. Each target words sentence was presented individually on a computer screen, in the same order of presentation as in the story. The target words translation appeared in the right-hand margin. Participants were instructed to confirm or correct their guesses about each word and to be sure they understood the sentence before continuing to subsequent. They were told to anticipate questions about the sentences, but were not explicitly alerted to the vocabulary tests that followed in order to encourage integration of the target words meaning into the sentence and context, as opposed to looking only at the gloss or engaging in memorization routines. Afterwards, participants completed the lexical retention tests in the following order: L2-L1 translation production, L2-L1 multiple choice translation recognition. Session two concluded with a debriefing phase to explain the purpose of the experiment and use of nonsense words.

6. Refer to any books about Action Research suggested in Introduction to Research SAP, and find the following information. What is an action research? What are the possible purposes in conducting an action research? What kinds of topics or problems of English are commonly treated through an action research? Write the possible procedures in conducting an action research.
Action research is a group activity (Kemmis and McTaggart 1998:6). Cohen and Manion (1985) offer a similar set of characteristics. They argue that action research is first and foremost situational, being concerned with the identification and solution of problems in a specific context. They also identify collaboration as an important feature of this type of research, and state that the aim of action research is to improve the current state of affairs within the educational context in which the research is being carried out. Action research is concerned with trying to improving one specific point in a teacher’s technique in a particular classroom using empirical measurement. Teacher-initiated classroom research which seeks to increase the teacher’s understanding of classroom teaching and learning and to bring about improvements in classroom practices. Action research typically involves small-scale investigative projects in the teacher’s own classroom. This usually includes having an observer collect data, and together with the teacher develop a plan to bring about the desired change, act on the plan, and then observe the effects of the plan in the classroom. The procedure in conducting an action research are class description, problem identification, preliminary investigation, hypothesis, intervention, outcome, conclusion, and reflection.

7. Write your references (rubric no.3) follow the writing style from one of the journals references you like.

a. Journal 1: Pulido, D. 2005. ‘The Effect of Topic Familiarity and Passage sight Vocabulary on L2 Lexical Inferencing and Retention Through Reading’. 28/1:66-83.
b. Journal 2: Wilson, K. 2007. ‘Facilitator Talk in EAP Reading Classes’ 62/4:366-375.
c. Journal 3: Peacock, M. Hirano, E. 2008. ‘Language Learning Strategies and EAP Proficiency: Teacher Views, Student Views, and Test Result’ 63/1:33-41.
d. Journal 4: Hirano, E. 2008. ‘Learning Difficulty and Learner Identity: a Symbiotic Relationship’. ELT Journal Volume 63/1.
e. Djatmika. 2006. Jurnal Bahasa, Sastra, dan Studi Amerika. Surakata: Universitas Sebelas Maret

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